Sovereign Class

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Class Information
Role: Explorer


Date Entered Service:


Basic Stats


Cruising Speed:

Warp 8

Total Compliment:


Tactical Systems
Energy Weapons:

16x Type-XII Phaser Arrays

Torpedo Launchers:

9 Launchers


Regenerative Shielding System

Class Description

The Sovereign Class starship was born out the necessity for more combat oriented starships to help combat the Borg Collective, yet keep host to a wide variety of exploratory and diplomatic missions during peacetime. Originally three starship designs were fielded to combat the Borg: Project Sovereign, Project Defiant and Project Nova. Both the Defiant and Nova projects were considered entirely too small to field what was needed; however they were later rebuilt into separate starship designs. For the mainstay of what the project called for, the Sovereign design was chosen to essentially replace the Galaxy Class as the flagship design of the Federation.

Implementation of the design of the starship and construction began in 2367. Construction moved along quickly and integrating some of the newest Federation technologies into the ship design was proving to be surprisingly easy. The integration of the bio-neural gel pack with the already conventional isolinear chip system proved to have few complications. Other new systems included the field testing of the quantum torpedo turret system, enhanced regenerative shielding system, energy-dispersive ablative hull armor, redesigned warp drive and the previously classified "Type-X+" phaser systems. The Type-X+ would be later reclassified as the Type-XII.

The USS Sovereign was finally completed in 2369 and began its shakedown cruise along the Romulan Neutral Zone. Many aspects of the Sovereign proved to be well above expectations during testing. After eight months of shakedown in open space, the Sovereign was returned to dry dock for finalization and commission.

The Sovereign proved to be a well-founded design in terms of its combat abilities. However it lacked the high maneuverability of ships similar to its size or the ability to achieve the higher warp speeds seen in the Intrepid and Prometheus Classes. That being said, the ship more then made up for itself in terms of phaser power, torpedo compliment, and torpedo tube placement, which supplemented the forward quantum turret.

Several more of the class were put into production and even the USS Enterprise, the flagship of the Federation, was readmitted into service as a Sovereign class. The first real test for the Sovereign Class was during the Battle of Sector 001 in which the Enterprise arrived in time to help destroyed the Borg vessel in conjunction with the rest of the fleet. Later, during the Dominion War, the Sovereign and Enterprise saw combat while the other ships were slowed in their production in favor of the smaller, more powerful and quicker to build Defiant Class. Near the end of the war six more of the class were completed and two helped with the Jem'Hadar clean up across the quadrant.

Following the war, the Sovereign class was re-tasked with front line exploration of open space along with its fellow exploration-driven starships. In the decade following the close of the Dominion War, the Sovereign class starships have served in a variety of roles as flagships, command and control centers, diplomatic envoys, first contact headquarters, front line defensive vessels, exploratory starships, scientific couriers and troop transports. The versatility and endless abilities of the Sovereign has proven it to be a worthwhile design, and it will continue being, for many decades, the mainstay of the Federation fleet.


Ship Specifications

Basic Information
  • Role: Explorer
  • Dimensions: 685.2 meters (L) x 243 meters (W) x 87 meters (H)
  • Decks: 24
  • Expected Duration: 120 years
  • Time Between Resupply: 10 years
  • Expected Refit Cycle: 15 years
Crew Complement
  • Total Crew: 820
    • 150 Officers
    • 480 Enlisted
    • 150 Marines
  • Number of Civilians: 40
  • Emergency Capacity: 2,500
  • Thrusters: RCS Thrusters
  • Sublight Speed: 0.25c
  • Warp Speed
    • Cruising Speed: Warp 8
    • Maximum Warp: Warp 9.9
    • Emergency Warp: Warp 9.95 (for 36 hours)
Offensive Systems


  • 1 Rapid Fire (Forward)
  • 3 Forward
  • 5 Aft


Defensive Systems Primary Systems
  • Computer Systems:

Isolinear/Bio-neural Computer System

  • Transporters:
  • 5 six-person transporters
  • 2 cargo transporters
  • 3 fifteen-person emergency transporters
    • Transporter Range: 45,000 Kilometers
  • Sensor Range: 20 Lightyears lightyears
Auxiliary Craft



  • Shuttles: 10
  • Runabouts: 4
  • Workbees: 8



Deck Listing

Deck Details Deck Details
Deck 1
  • Bridge
  • Captain's Ready Room
  • Observation Lounge
  • Airlock
Deck 2
  • Captain's Quarters
  • Executive Officer's Quarters
  • Enlisted Affairs Office
  • Emergency Batteries
  • Weapons Locker
Deck 3
  • Officers Mess
  • Senior Officers' Quarters
  • Aft Viewing Lounge
  • Communications Library
  • Officers' Quarters
  • Gymnasium
  • Spring Ball Court
  • Raquet Ball Court
Deck 4
  • Officers' Quarters
  • Crew Quarters
  • VIP Quarters
  • Transporter Rooms 1 & 2
  • Emergency Batteries
  • Life Support
  • Environmental Controls
  • Chief Operations Officer's Office
Deck 5
  • Security Office
  • Brig
  • Phaser Range
  • Armoury 1
  • Security Training Facilities
  • Chief Intelligence Officer's Office
  • Aft Tactical Sensors
  • Crew Quarters
  • Holodecks 1 & 2
  • Environmental Support Systems
  • Cargo Bay 1
Deck 6
  • Main Computer Core (Level 1)
  • Main Computer Core Control
  • Main Shuttlebay
  • Flight Control Room 1
  • Primary ODN Systems
  • Science Labs
  • Arboretum
  • Diplomatic Facilities
  • Civilian Quarters
  • Crew Quarters
  • Holodecks 3 & 4
Deck 7
  • Main Computer Core (Level 2)
  • Main Shuttlebay
  • Secondary ODN Systems
  • Astrometrics
  • Cybernetics Lab
  • Main Science Lab
  • Chief Science Officer's Office
  • Counsellor's Office
  • Hydroponics Bay
  • Ship's Library
  • Civilian Quarters
  • School
Deck 8
  • Main Computer Core (Level 3)
  • Impulse Assembly
  • Fusion Reactors
  • Main Sickbay & Supports
  • Morgue
  • Chief Medical Officer's Office
  • Weapons Locker
  • Engineering Lab
  • Shuttlebay Elevators
  • Upper Shuttle Maintenance & Storage
  • Forward Tactical Sensors
Deck 9
  • Main Computer Core (Level 4)
  • Impulse Engines
  • Impulse Driver Assembly
  • Warp Core Subsystems
  • Lower Shuttle Maintenance & Storage
  • Dorsal Docking Port
  • Emergency Transporters
  • Crew Quarters
Deck 10
  • Impulse Assembly
  • Fusion Reactors
  • Deuterium Injectors
  • Auxiliary Fusion Reactor
  • Shuttle Repair & Machine Shop
  • Engineering Support Area
  • Industrial Replicators
  • Main Crew Lounge
  • Armory 2
  • Crew Quarters
  • Holodecks 5 & 6
  • Waste Management
Deck 11
  • Auxiliary Deflector Controls
  • Shuttle Elevator Assembly
  • Airlock
  • Weapons Range
  • Crew Quarters
  • Transporter Rooms 3 & 4
  • Airlocks
  • RCS Thrusters
  • Geology Lab
Deck 12
  • Auxiliary Deflector Array
  • Primary IDF Generators
  • Primary SIF Generators
  • Primary Shield Generators
  • Systems Support Compartment
  • Maintenance Bay 1
Deck 13
  • Quantum Torpedo Turret Access
  • Torpedo Storage
  • Main Sensor Array
  • Deuterium Tanks
  • Power Distribution Subsystems
  • Science Labs
  • Mess Hall (Aft)
  • Maintenance Bay 2
Deck 14
  • Deuterium Tanks
  • Shuttlebay 2
  • Flight Control Room 2
  • Power Distribution Systems
  • Captain's Yacht Access
  • Turbolift Maintenance
Deck 15
  • Secondary Computer Core (Level 1)
  • Shuttlebay 2
  • Shuttle Storage
  • Graviton Generators 1 & 2
  • Deflector Assembly
  • Weapons Locker
  • Main Power Transfer Conduits
  • Transporter Room 5
  • Cargo Bays 6 & 7
Deck 16
  • Secondary Computer Core (Level 2)
  • Reserve Antimatter Storage
  • Graviton Generators 3 & 4
  • Main Navigational Deflector
  • Deflector Control
  • Main Engineering,
  • Chief Engineering Officer's Office
  • Weapons Locker
  • Main Power Transfer Conduits
  • Warp Nacelle Access
  • Cargo Bays 8 & 9
  • Emergency Transporters
Deck 17
  • Secondary Computer Core (Level 3)
  • Aft Sensor Array
  • Graviton Generators 5 & 6
  • Deflector Assembly
  • Secondary Plasma Vent
  • Emergency Transporters
Deck 18
  • Graviton Generators 7 & 8
  • Deflector Assembly
  • Auxiliary Shield Generators
  • Multi-purpose Chamber (Upper)
  • Crew Quarters
Deck 19
  • Lateral Sensors
  • Secondary Communications Array
  • Emergency Graviton Generators (2)
  • Emergency Batteries
  • Complementary Deflector Assembly
  • Multi-purpose Chamber (Lower)
Deck 20
  • Deck Forward Torpedo Launchers (2)
  • Torpedo Magazine
  • Probe Storage
  • Primary Communications Array
  • Tractor Beam Assembly
  • Turbolift Maintenance
Deck 21
  • Antimatter Storage Pods
  • Forward Tractor Beam Emitter
  • Secondary IDF Generator
  • Secondary SIF Generator
  • Cargo Bay 10 (Upper)
Deck 22
  • Antimatter Storage Pods
  • Antimatter Generator
  • Torpedo Magazine
  • Maintenance Bay 3
  • Cargo Bay 10 (Lower)
Deck 23
  • Tractor Beam Assembly
  • Antimatter Generator
  • Antimatter Injectors
  • Secondary Sensor Array
  • Sensor Analysis Suite
Deck 24
  • Tractor Beam Assembly
  • Aft Tractor Beam Emitter
  • Aft Torpedo Launchers (2)
  • Torpedo Magazine
  • Warp Core Jettison Hatch

Federation Ship & Station Classes
Starships Akira ClassAntares ClassCentury ClassDefiant ClassGalaxy ClassInsignia ClassLuna ClassNebula ClassNova ClassPrometheus ClassSaber ClassSteamrunner ClassSovereign ClassVesta Class
Starbases Aurora ClassRegula ClassSigma ClassSpacedock Class
Support Craft ShuttlesType 8 ShuttleType 9 ShuttleType 11 ShuttleType 15 Shuttlepod
RunaboutsArgo ClassDanube Class
FightersGryphon Class

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