Esh'Wara jata'Zhe

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esh'Wara jata'Zhe

The esh’Wara jata”Zhe is the leading council of the Wi’u’Kai. It loosely translates to Council of Ministers, which is because it is made up of equal numbers of Khrenal, Azulren and Erganites.


du'Jata The head of Government is known as the du’Jata. The du’Jata is the leader of the esh’Wara jata'Zhe. This position is more literally translated to ‘head minister’. While the du'Jata answers to the council they also have some autonomy and can make decisions without permission from esh’Wara jata’Zhe.
If the du'Jata is male, they are referred to as du'Jata'Iggo, whereas female du'Jata are referred to as du'Jata'Uwe

Title Name Species Gender Duties
du'Jata'Iggo Jaecuin Girgu Khrenal re [male] du'Jata
Head Minister

uka'du'Jata'Iggo Aquilan Gregeiros Azulren re [male] uka'du'Jata
Sub Minister


jata translates to Minister. When the Minister is male their title is jata'Iggo. When the Minister is female, their title is jata'Uwe

Council Members

Title Name Species Gender Duties
jata'Iggo Tenid Shresrazet Erganite re [male] jata'Werwu
Minister of State

jata'Iggo Ilbryn Grefir Azulren re [male] jata'Waru
Minister of Intelligence

jata'Iggo Kaenlol Tetto Khrenal re [male] jata'Shub
Minister of Travel

jata'Uwe Lorli Mucassul Khrenal winu [female] jata'Zhu
Minister of Defense

jata'Iggo Tinlaul Annisir Khrenal re [male] jata'Tew
Minister of Finance

jata'Iggo Jolvas Guthonthi Khrenal re [male] jata'Kaoa
Minister of Development

jata'Uwe Almar Keyxina Azulren winu [female] jata'Neto
Minister of Trade

jata'Uwe Alais Erqen Azulren winu [female] jata'Nasha
Minister of Culture

jata'Iggo Pelleas Enhorn Azulren re [male] jata'Aruru
Minister of Science

jata'Iggo Dulfud Esat Erganite re [male] jata'Mapin
Minister of Living

jata'Iggo Baladhe Dhigruzo Erganite re [male] jata'Ruwod
Minister of Health

jata'Iggo Rairno Kradries Erganite re [male] jata'Ran
Minister of Reeducation

jata translates to Minister. When the Minister is male their title is jata'Iggo. When the Minister is female, their title is jata'Uwe
The same applies to the du'Jata. If the du'Jata is male, they are refered to as du'Jata'iggo, whereas femal du'Jata are referred to as du'Jata'uwe
Erganite names are reversed, like Bajoran names. ie the given name is the first name. You would call Kaenlol Tetto jata'ggo Tetto, however you would call Dulfud Esat jata'ggo Dulfod

Sub Council Members

For each Council Member, there is a Sub Council Member. These are akin to the Deputy Ministers. Like the main Council it is made up of equal numbers of Wi'u'Kai. To make sure that there is an equal number of each species, the Minister and Sub Minister are usually the same species. This ensures that should a Minister be incapacitated, and a Sub Minister have to step in, the balance is maintained.

Title Name Species Gender Duties
jata'Uwe Ekzi Megas Erganite winu [female] uka'jata'Werwu
Sub Minister of State

jata'Iggo Vulwin Ralovaris Azulren re [male] uta'jata'Waru
Sub Minister of Intelligence

jata'Iggo Drales Tonna Khrenal re [male] uta'jata'Shub
Sub Minister of Travel

jata'Uwe Rolova Lontan Khrenal winu [female] uka'jata'Zhu
Sub Minister of Defense

jata'Uwe Kiesrai Omith Khrenal winu [female] uka'jata'Tew
Sub Minister of Finance

jata'Uwe Misra Susonall Khrenal winu [female] uka'jata'Kaoa
Sub Minister of Development

jata'Uwe Phyrra Zylvaris Azulren winu [female] uka'jata'Neto
Sub Minister of Trade

jata'Uwe Ashryn Aedan Azulren winu [female] uka'jata'Nasha
Sub Minister of Culture

jata'Iggo Taeral Zyljeon Azulren re [male] uka'jata'Aruru
Sub Minister of Science

jata'Iggo Dacadro Iursee Erganite re [male] uka'jata'Mapin
Sub Minister of Living

jata'Iggo Uhero Koshruman Erganite re [male] uka'jata'Ruwod
Sub Minister of Health

jata'Uwe Ikli Morias Erganite winu [female] uka'jata'Ran
Sub Minister of Reeducation